The Heart of the Matter
There is no end to distractions from the `external’ world. They seemingly exist just to take us away from ourselves. A failed love affair, the mother from hell, the intoxicants, the unending victim story…
In my now 8 years of experience doing The Work I have come to realise that all of the craving and seeking stems from a profound lack of self love and acceptance. The inability to simply be still and “know God”.
The people in my mind’s world are all here to show me how much more I can love them and myself, for it seems to go both ways. Just when I think “I have now realised” something new arises and the love affair with the self continues.
You are welcome to bring to this 6-week teleclass a person and/or situation you find difficult to love. Let that which is seemingly unlovable teach us our own true name.
As part of the 6-week online series you will receive live practice sessions, demos, partner work, weekly assignments, handouts, and a WhatsApp support group.
For coaches, therapists, and those working in the learning and development space, there will be time to explore hidden motives in facilitation. This may help you connect better with your potential clients and stakeholders.
Loving you I love me too. Let’s get to the heart of the matter.
“If you realised how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet.” — Byron Katie